4.5 Acre Commercial Property, Mile 6.5 George Price Highway

George Price Highway Belize City, , ,


  • 196,020.00 ft2
  • 196,020.00 ft2


4.5 Acre Commercial Property at Mile 6.5 George Price Highway, Belize District for sale. 

Introduction to the property

For Sale a prime commercial 4.5 Acre property located at mile 6.5 Miles on the Goerge Price Highway.  Best of all, the property is just 825 feet from Burdon Canal Bridge which is the end of Belize City Limits.  

About the 4.5 Acre Commercial Property

The property consists of 2-sections: Section A consists of 1.93 Acres with 213 feet along the George Price Highway; Section B consist of 2.715 Acres.  To note, there is an easement between Section A and B for the Hydro Electric Power Transmission Line.

Commercial Property Size of Section A and Section B

Section A

North boundary (Highway)          213.35 feet (width)

East Boundary                                   361.16 feet (depth)

West Boundary                                 379.99 feet (depth)

South Boundary                                214.76 feet (width along Hydro Line reserve)

Total Area                                           1.79 Acres

Section B

North                                                    214.76 feet (width along Hydro Line reserve)

East Boundary                                   573.83 feet

West boundary                                 548.30 feet

South Boundary                                213.24 feet

Total Area                                           2.715 Acres

Elevation and Topography

According to Google Earth the average elevation for the area is between 8-12 feet above sea-level.  However, the area is mostly Mangrove and wetlands.  But note, with proper mangrove clearing permit development can take place for fill and development. 

Additionally, to alleviate water settlement on the land, one can build proper drainage. Also, building drainage leading to a pond may provide additional alleviation.

Location of the 4.5 Acres

Strategically located at mile 6.5 miles along the George Price Highway and just 825 feet short from being within Belize City Limits! 

Old Belize Marina/Cucumber Beach is located 1 mile from the property.  Additionally, within 1 to 1.5 mile to either direction of the Highway, there are new or under construction warehouses.  Therefore, the demand for large size property is becoming evident and with demand comes shortage and price increase. 

The 4.5 Acres may be utilized for any commercial application or even a residential development. 

Belize Commercial Property For Sale


Location                                               6.5 Mile George Price Highway, Belize District, Belize

Description                                         Commercial/Residential

Total Acreage                                    4.5 Acres

Asking Price                                     SOLD

Closing Fees:

Includes but not limited to Stamp Duties, Registration fees payable to the

Government of Belize and legal fees are assumed by the purchaser

Central Bank Permits

If applicable sale will require permit from Central Bank of Belize under the Section 40 of the Exchange Control Regulations 2003


Price Deemed to change without notice; Property sold as is, where is; transferrable title

Photos showing boundaries are for demonstration purposes only and purchaser must conduct due diligence.

Address: George Price Highway Belize City
Zip: 00
Country: Belize
Open In Google Maps
All Weather Road Access
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1-5 Miles from Shopping Areas
Potable Water

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    2841 Alejo Beni St, Belama Phase 2, Belize City, Belize District, Belize C.A.



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